Navigating the processes through separation and divorce can be overwhelming and a very difficult time for everyone involved. It is overwhelming when you consider the emotional, family and financial implications of severing a spousal relationship. Emotions often run high.
Most people follow a path towards the courts because that is the only op;tion they have heard about. and for some it was a long and expensive process.
A difficult situation can further deteriorate through an adversarial battle between lawyers and the courts. People withing the courst process become frustrated and angry as they feel they are on the edge of emotional and financial bankruptcy.
“People who were once together can have difficulty even speaking to each other. Often there is residual anger and guilt, fear, anxiety and distrust about the past and the future.”
There are other options available and continue to expand and become more avaialble.

The most known and used process is mediation. In mediation, the two people work with one neutral professional to
The Collaborative process brings together all professionals that can assist with finding resolution to a …
Mediation is an informal, respectful and productive way to solve separation/divorce disputes. Skilled mediators help families through the difficult transitions related to separation and divorce to find resolutions that benfit their families.
- Voluntary process
- Confidential Process
- Assisted negotiation
- Contracted
Mediators are:
- Neutral and impartial
- Provide information. Do not provide legal advise. Independent legal advise is recommended
- facilitator and not a decision maker
Arbitration in family cases is a newly emerging dispute resolution process.
Arbitration is the process by which parties have, by agreement, agreed to submit a dispute between them for resolution by a neutral third party.
In an arbitration process, both parties present their case to a qualified neutral arbitrator. They each have a chance to question the other person. The arbitrator will provide a final and binding decisions through an arbitral award.
Mediation-Arbitration is an effective process where most concerns can be resolved through mediation and where an arbitration process can be employed to help resolve the remaining few concerns.
How to Start
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Look for a FDR professional in your area or any FDR professional who provides their services online, i.e. via Zoom. FDR neutral med can be from any province. Note lawyer and arb local……The FDRIA website includes some FDR professionals who have applied and met certian training requriements.