Family Dispute Resolution Professional – FDRP Pro
FDRIA offers a single level of certification, the Family Dispute Resolution Professional – FDRP Pro, with specializations in a range of practice areas.
The Specializations include:
- Mediation (Med)
- Collaborative Family Law (Collab)
- Arbitration (Arb)
- Mediation-Arbitration (Med-Arb)
- Parenting Coordination (PC)
FDRIA may revise the specializations from time to time.
A Certification indicates that you have completed a recognized training program(s) in FDR including in an area of specialization, have related practice experience, and are considered by FDRIA qualified to provide services in an FDR field.
Anyone seeking to become a Certified member must submit the required supportive material confirming they have EITHER:
- a valid certification/accreditation in FDR from another organization recognized by FDRIA,
- completed the specialization training programs recognized by FDRIA and have related experience and qualifications, which are assessed by FDRIA to meet the standard of an FDR Professional in an area of specialization.
- 5 years or more experience practicing in the area of specialization.
ALL certified members must have completed or commit to complete in 12 months, a 3-day course on screening, power imbalance and family violence to maintain certification with FDRIA.
The Certification Committee will review the application and supporting information provided determine eligibility for designation as an FDR Pro and confirm the area(s) of specialization.
The annual fee for Certified membership is $150.
FDRIA Membership in good standing
Minimum education – post secondary degree or 5 years related work experience.
Training: Training in an area of specialization that provides the necessary competencies.
Proof of Liability insurance of 1M. Onus is on member to ensure service is covered.
Adhere to the Standards of Practice
Annually at renewal:
Confirm insurance
Attest they are adhering to the Standards of Practice,
Completed 10 hours of CE including 3 Screening/DV, 3 family law and 2 family relations/high conflict.
Certification Application: $75
Certified Member Annual Fee: $150
General membership fees: $25 full time student, $50 for professionals in first 3 years, $75 all others.
Application Process
Submit completed Google form.
Pay the fee by e-transfer to [email protected]
Certification committee will review your application and make a decision and notify you by email. Your profile on the FDRIA website will be updated to reflect your certification.